Glamour of Hollywood

Regional trade paper that began in Philadelphia, but expanded to include editions for other markets.

Items in Collection

Regional trade paper that began in Philadelphia, but expanded to include editions for other markets.
Title Creator Date
Glamour of HollywoodThe Conde Nast Publications, Inc.Apr 1939 - May 1941 (assorted issues)Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Glamour of HollywoodThe Conde Nast Publications, Inc.Apr 1939 - May 1941 (assorted issues)Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Glamour of HollywoodThe Conde Nast Publications, Inc.Apr 1939 - May 1941 (assorted issues)Search on LanternClick here to read
Title Creator Date
Glamour of HollywoodThe Conde Nast Publications, Inc.Apr 1939 - May 1941 (assorted issues)Search on LanternClick here to read